When selecting the most appropriate Laser Eyewear for your needs you first need to understand the how Laser Eyewear is specified.
The first part of the specification is usually shown on the left hand lens of the Laser Eyewear and gives an Optical Density or OD at a given wavelength ie 532nm OD 7+. Basically the OD is the number of zeros after the 1 that the particular wavelength is attenuated by. For example an OD 7+ means the Laser Eyewear attenuates the wavelength by 10,000,000 times, and OD 3+ means that it attenuates the wavelength by 1000 times.
The second aspect of Laser Eyewear specifications that need to be understood is that of "L-ratings". These are designed to specify how long the glasses can withstand a direct hit from a laser beam usually for a period of 10seconds. L ratings are specified for either D = Continuous Wave, I = Pulsed Mode, R = Giant Pulsed Mode and M = Mode Locked.
Lastly the VLT or visible light transmission of Laser Safety Eyewear is important to how well you can see through the glasses. This typically varies from around 93% for clear lenses down to around 10% for very dark lenses. As a general rule if the VLT is below 26% then you may need to introduce extra lighting in the room if it is not well lit.
For more information visit www.certified-laser-eyewear.com